Monday, March 7, 2011

Cause de Jour

You expect fashion to go in and out of fashion. After all, it's called fashion for a reason. But what always amazes me is how causes seem to go in and out of fashion. I mean if people are homeless in Haiti, shouldn't it be important to care until the problem is solved, not just until something new comes along?

Right now the cause de jour is human slavery. Articles and workshops are everywhere. I am not saying it's not a worthy cause. I've blogged about it myself and attended workshops. I just don't want to see it fade off the scene, like so many other causes, when something new and shiny comes along. Maybe it won't, if you and I get involved and become part of the solution.

Today I am sharing a guest blog from Diane Adams, a friend of mine, on how she got involved in working to free slaves.  Here are her thoughts:

Two years ago, I read a book called Just Courage by Gary Haugen, founder of International Justice Mission (IJM). IJM is an organization that combats injustice and modern-day slavery around the world.
After reading the book and learning about the atrocities that go on in the world, I couldn’t just go on with life as usual. I did some research and learned things like:
  • There are 27 million modern-day slaves.
  •  600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year.
  •  50% of trafficking victims are minors.
  •  The average age of entry in prostitution is 11 to 14 years old.
I learned that there were slaves in India working in rice mills, in Africa working in brick factories, and in the United States working in forced labor. And all around the world there were young girls, and even boys, forced into the sex trade.
As I read accounts of victims and survivors, I began to wonder—What if my teenage daughter were sex trafficked or our family lived in a developing country and was enslaved by powerful tyrants? How would I feel if no one sought and rescued me, but went on with daily life, enjoying freedom without giving any thought or concern for me, an oppressed victim?  
 I kept noticing verses in the Bible in which God is described as a god of justice and felt strongly that the Church is called to act to promote justice in our community, nation, and world. But I also think the average churchgoer, like me, is unaware of the issue of human trafficking and how widespread it is.
 I encourage people to learn more about this issue. Read a book such as Just Courage or learn from websites such as,, or Stay abreast of proposed U.S. legislation on this issue by visiting and write to legislators asking their support of anti-trafficking laws.
Also, become aware of the products you buy and the businesses you patronize, being sure you are purchasing fair-trade goods not made by slave labor. Another key way to make a difference in this area is to volunteer to work with at-risk populations in the community so they don’t fall prey to traffickers. Big Brother/Big Sisters, local shelters, after-school programs, and foster care are good organizations to consider.
Finally, people can help fight slavery by financially supporting anti-trafficking organizations. There are many to choose from, and you may be surprised to find that one or two are nearby. Do some investigating and discover these local groups—you may decide to join them!
In the 1800s, the African slave trade was a huge business, integrated in the cultures, businesses, and economics of America and Europe. Yet it was abolished because people’s eyes were opened to its evilness, and they chose to speak up against it.
There is an abolition movement going on in our world today, and it’s gaining momentum. Take the time to learn more and consider how you can help fight for the oppressed.

If you would like to ask Diane any questions, please feel free to place them in the comments section and I will see that she gets them (and answers!).

This month's Fine Living Lancaster also had an informative article on modern slavery. To read it, click the link to access the PDF and go to page 78 of the PDF (76 of the actual magazine) for the article "Ending Modern Slavery." Then, like Diane, decide what you need to do to be involved. And don't give up, even when slavery is no longer the cause de jour.

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